
Availability is the approximate time it currently takes for the item to become available for shipping after the order is processed.
For items that have not yet been released:
on the release date
The item is expected to become available for shipping on the release date.
within 1-4 days following release
The item is expected to become available for shipping in 1-4 business days after its release date.

For items that have already been released:
within 1-2 days
The item is in our stock, and it is expected to become available for shipping in 1-2 business days after the order is processed.
within 3-5 days
The item is expected to become available for shipping in 3-5 business days after the order is processed.
within 3-7 days
Current availability information is not available from the distributor. On average, it takes 3-7 business days for such an item to become available for shipping after the order is processed. However, it may take a few weeks. Also, the item may prove to be unobtainable in some cases.
within 2-4 weeks
Currently, the availability is low. It often means the item does not become available unless more quantity is printed/manufactured by the distributor. For this reason, the item may prove to be unobtainable in some cases after the order is processed.

Additional Information:
In Stock
"In Stock" is indicated in the product description for items that are in our stock. In Stock items usually takes 1-2 business days to become available for shipping.
Few More First Press Edition Available
Once the first press edition with bonus extra is sold out, it is no longer available for ordering. Usually, only the regular edition without the bonus extra continues to be available for ordering. When there are only a few more copies of the first press edition left, "Few More First Press Edition Available:" is displayed, followed by the number of copies still available for ordering. Please note that the first customers to finalize the order will receive the first press edition, regardless of the availability at the time the item was added to the shopping cart.
Few Left in Supplier Stock
Currently, the item is readily available, but the supplier stock is currently low and in some cases, the item may prove to be unobtainable.

* Package Arrival Times
Package arrival times vary by shipping method. See [here] for details.
(1). The "First Press Available" mark is updated in real time. If you see this mark, we promise to ship you the first press edition of the item.
(2).We do not currently ship on Sundays and holidays. If you order an item scheduled to be shipped "within 24 hours" during a Sunday or holiday, your order will be shipped the following business day.
(3).The stock information for our manufacturers is updated once a day. Since it is not updated in real time, items that display "In Stock" might still become unavailable after you have placed your order. Stock information is also not updated on weekends and holidays.
(4).If it requires more than one week to receive an item from a manufacturer we will confirm the status of the item and update the shipping information on your order history with the most current estimate for shipping date.


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