Booker Ervin
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Tex Book Tenor [UHQCD] [Limited Release]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2024/10/23
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The Book Cooks (2024 Rematered Edition) [Limited Low-priced Edition]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2024/05/29
within 3-5 days
The Freedom Book [Limited Release]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2023/10/25
within 3-5 days
That's It! [Limited Low-priced Edition]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2022/12/21
Sold Out

MINGUS [Limited Low-priced Edition]
 Charles Mingus
CD | 2022/12/07
Sold Out

Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus [UHQCD]
 Charles Mingus
CD | 2022/04/20
Sold Out

Pre-bird [UHQCD]
 Charles Mingus
CD | 2022/04/20
Sold Out

That's It! [Limited Low-priced Edition]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2022/03/23
Sold Out

Structurally Sound [Limited Low-priced Reissue]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2021/10/20
within 3-5 days
Happy Frame Of Mind [Limited Low-priced Reissue]
 Horace Parlan
CD | 2021/10/20
within 3-5 days
Lament For Booker Ervin [Limited Low-priced Reissue]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2021/05/12
Sold Out

That's It! [Regular-Priced Edition]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2021/03/10
In Stock within 1-2 days
That's It! [Limited Low-Priced Reissue]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2020/12/09
Sold Out

Lament For Booker Ervin [Low-priced Reissue]
 Booker Ervin
CD | 2020/07/29
within 3-7 days
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