¡Wind Ensemble "Dragon Quest"Part.3 7&8 Meikyoku Sen
¡Koichi Sugiyama (conductor) / Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
1. MORNING IN EDEN/ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
2. ECHO OF HORNS THROUGHOUT THE CASTLE/ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
3. */ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
4. */ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
5. */ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
6. ORGO DEMILA/ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
7. */ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
8. OVERTURE/ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
9. */ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
10. */ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
11. */ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
12. SANCTUARY/ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
13. */ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
14. SKY. OCEAN AND EARTH/ Tokyo Metropolitan Wind Ensemble
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