¡The Sessions Vol.1 : Blues Won't Let Me Take My Rest
¡Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
1. LET'S GET HIGH/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
2. BLUES WON'T LET ME TAKE MY REST/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
3. I'M IN LOVE AGAIN/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
4. RAMBLIN' ON MY MIND/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
5. WORRIED LIFE BLUES/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
6. THEY RAIDED THE JOINT/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
7. RIDE WITH YOUR DADDY TONIGHT/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
8. TROUBLE BLUES/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
9. I'M GONNA MISS YOU/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
10. THAT AIN'T RIGHT/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
11. CAN'T AFFORD TO DO IT/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
12. BOOGIE WOOGIE BALL/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
13. HONEY DON'T LET ME GO/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore
14. SHE DON'T MOVE ME NO MORE/ Henry Gray & Bob Corritore