Jpop CDi2025/6j

2025/5< 2025/6

¡ My Days for You / Title is to be announced [w/ Blu-ray, Limited Edition / Type A]
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ My Days for You / Title is to be announced [Regular Edition / Type B] yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ Eien no Idol, Eien no Seishun, Matsuda Seiko. 45th Anniversary Kyuukyoku All Time Best [45th Anniversary Edition]
Seiko Matsuda
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ Eien no Idol, Eien no Seishun, Matsuda Seiko. 45th Anniversary Kyuukyoku All Time Best [Regular Edition]
Seiko Matsuda
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ My Days for You / Title is to be announced [w/ Blu-ray, Limited Edition / Type B]
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ My Days for You / Title is to be announced [Regular Edition / Type A] yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ My Days for You / Title is to be announced [w/ Blu-ray, Limited Edition / Type SP]
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ Sore wa Sukitte Koto / Title is to be announced [Special Edition]
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ Sore wa Sukitte Koto / Title is to be announced [Type A] [w/ DVD, Limited Edition]
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ Sore wa Sukitte Koto / Title is to be announced [Type B] [w/ DVD, Limited Edition]
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ Sore wa Sukitte Koto / Title is to be announced [Kareai Edition]
CD | 2025/06/04
Ships on the release date
¡ "Bubblin" Regular Edition yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date
¡ "Bubblin" Ofuro Set Edition yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date
¡ "Bubblin" Photo Book Edition yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date
¡ "Bubblin" Aurora Box Edition yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date
¡ "Bubblin" Maboroshi no Blu-ray Edition [CD + Blu-ray] yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date
¡ "Bubblin" Trading Card Edition yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date
¡ Wonder Land (Title subject to change)
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date
¡ 3rd Single: Title is to be announced [CD + DVD / Type A] yFirst Press Availablez
JOY (Nearly Equal JOY)
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date
¡ "Bubblin" HINA Special Edition yFirst Press Availablez
CD | 2025/06/11
Ships on the release date

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