Indie CD
Upcoming Top Sellers

  1. "Bubblin" Regular Edition / HIMEHINA yFirst Press Availablez
    Ships on the release date
  2. Blooming [Regular Edition] / RealRomantic yFirst Press Availablez
    Ships on the release date
  3. No Surrender -Essential Best- / THE STREET BEATS
    Ships on the release date
  4. "Touken Ranbu (Musical)" - Hanakage Yureru Tomizu - [Regular Edition] / Touken Danshi formation of Hanakage
    Ships on the release date
  5. The Three in One / Lonesome_Blue
    within 1-4 days following release
  6. Iris / PARADOXX
    within 1-4 days following release
Updated: 2025/03/13

Indie MAIN

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