Order Received Confirmation Mail
We will automatically send you an "Order Received Confirmation Mail" after you place your order.
* We will automatically confirm authorization for credit card orders. You will receive an "Order Received Confirmation Mail" after your credit card has been authorized.
You can also confirm your order has been received by going to "Customer Services" and selecting "Order History."
If you have not received an "Order Received Confirmation Mail" within 30 minutes after placing your order, one of the following may be at fault.
- Your registered email address is incorrect
- You have not whitelisted the domain neowing.co.jp
- We were not able to complete your order
If you did not receive an "Order Received Confirmation Mail" due to one of the reasons listed above, please contact Neowing Co. before attempting to place another order.
Additionally, if you have received an error because our domain has not been whitelisted for your email address, please put neowing.co.jp on your whitelist before contacting us (pleae list your registered name, address, and product information when contacting us).
©Neowing co.