The Legend of the Legendary HeroesVol.2
Second Blu-ray release from the anime series "The Legend of the Legendary Heroes," an adaptation of the novel of the same name written by Takaya Kagami, with illustrations by Saori Toyota. The anime series directed by Itsuro Kawasaki of "Sengoku Basara" and "Chrome Shelled Regios" fame. Features deluxe voice artists Jun Fukuyama, Daisuke Ono, Ayahi Takagaki, and more. Includes two episodes.
Special Features:
textless outro 1
yFirst Pressz
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
48-page booklet with a new novel by Takaya Kagami and settings of the anime, two original cards, and drama CD 1
Original Release Year: 2010
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