Kamisama DollsVol.1
Based on the manga written by Hajime Yamamura and character design by Kazuaki Morita. Plot: Kyohei, a college student who grew up in a village that deified figureheads named Kakashi as gods. Kyohei abandoned his hometown when he moved to Tokyo and immersed himself in college life. However, he learns from his younger sister Utao that a fugitive named Aki from his hometown has also arrived in Tokyo (with his Kakashi in tow) and is responsible for a horrific crime that Kyohei had just witnessed. Included 2 episodes in digipack and clear case.
Special Features:
textless intro & outro, promotional footage, and more
yFirst Pressz
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
setting guide (1) and illustrated postcard by Hajime Yamamura
Original Release Year: 2011
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