¡The Asylum Session
DVD release of 3D computer-animated film "The Asylum Session." The film is directed by Takuto Aoki, and voiced by Masakazu Nemoto & Aya Hirano. The story is set in the distant future. A high school girl named Hiyoko lives with her ditective father. One day, the father throws away her dead mother's painting, and she runs away from home, rebelling against him. She get lost in a stadium named Asylum where people live in tents, and meets street children boy named Akira. Police is planning to tear down the stadium, so people plan a street culture event called "The Asylum Session" as a campaign against the plan.
Special Features:
interview with the dircetor Takuto Aoki, the cast Aya Hirano and Masakazu Nemoto, and theatrical trailer
Original Release Year: 2009
Edition Details