A new horror comedy serialized in a very popular series has been made into a TV anime! The director is Masaki Ogawa, who has a reputation for his portrayal of girls and directing skills, having directed "Hetero-Reviewers" and "Mirutatsu". The series composition is by Kenta Inohara of "Careful Yusha - Kono Yusha ga Ore TUEEE Kuse ni Careful Too" and "Jujo Senki" series. The character design is by Mutsumi Kadekari, who worked as a character designer for "The Alchemist: The Movie" and as a co-director for "Code Geass: Akito the Exiled". The animation production will be handled by Passione, which has produced a number of high-profile works including "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni". Contains episodes 9-12.
【First Press】
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
illustrated outer case & digipak packaging, new comic by Tomoki Izumi, sticker (3)
Original Release Year: 2021
Edition Details