¡Out Of This World - The Complete Warwick Sessions
¡Donald Byrd & Pepper Adams

 Description
[Machine Translation] A hidden masterpiece of hard bop music, which is said to be Herbie Hancock's first recording. This is a very rare album, which is said to be Herbie Hancock's first recording, and is now reissued with some numbers that were not included on the original album. One of the leaders, Donald Byrd, a trumpet player, has long been supported by club DJs and hip-hop musicians for his jazz-funk line in the 70's such as "Black Byrd", but at the time of recording this album, he was expected to succeed Clifford Brown, who passed away early in his life. At the time of recording this album, he was expected to succeed Clifford Brown, who had died prematurely. The sharp baritone saxophonist Pepper Adams, who plays the two-headed leader, is also a major highlight of the album. This is a hidden classic of hard bop and funky jazz.

凌 Credits
Donald Byrd & Pepper Adams
Donald Byrd
Pepper Adams

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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