¡Rokemitsu - Roke x Roke x Roke - Sakura Saki Inagaki no Mezase! Kagoshima Nishi Nihon Odan Blog Tabi8 Kaeru no Maki
¡Sakura Saki Inagaki
[Machine Translation] Sakura Saki Inagaki's Blog Travel Project - Part 3! Following her blogging trip across the Kansai region, Saki has successfully reached the goal of a week-long blogging trip in Shikoku. And Kagoshima is the next destination! The name of the trip is "Aim! Kagoshima: A Blog Journey Across Western Japan" ( volume 8 ). ( Volume 8 ) The blog trip across western Japan got off to a good start. After clearing the two transit points in Okayama Prefecture, the next stop was Tottori Prefecture. However, what awaited us in Tottori was a very tough transit point...will Saki be able to clear it? Complete coverage of episodes 5.07 through 6.02!
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