[Machine Translation] A supernatural youth comedy about an alien ghost and an ordinary high school student, Takashi, who is possessed by the ghost! The anime "Uchurei!" was aired on TV Tokyo for two consecutive years during the summer holidays, and many viewers became obsessed with its charms. is finally being released on DVD! On the first day of summer vacation in his second year of high school. Takashi witnesses a mysterious flying object crash into a hill behind his house. Takashi rushes to the scene and encounters an extraterrestrial intelligence, or an alien...but he doesn't look right. Takashi is excited to finally meet an alien, but his childhood friend Miki, who comes from a family of mediums, insists that it is a ghost. Is it an alien? Is it a ghost? Takashi seems to be possessed by this half-baked existence. Takashi has no choice but to name her "Uchurei," and they begin to live together. It was the beginning of a strange summer vacation. All 18 episodes of "Uchurei! The complete 18 episodes of "Uchurei!" and the full chorus version of the ending theme songs "Umi no Ko" and "Homeland" sung by Miki are also included as bonus videos.
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