¡Ame Hatsu Hare Yuki
¡The Daijobus
[Machine Translation] THE YOUJOJOBIZ, who have established a new style in the live house scene with their unprecedented and unprecedented activities, have released their masterpiece 3rd Full Album "Ameha Harukyo". The album is not only about the band's activities, but also about their respect for good old rock'n'roll, dance music, punk rock and folk songs, all packaged in the original genre of THEJOYOBUZU. The lyrics, which express the subtleties of everyone's emotions with humor, sarcasm, and words that can be understood by anyone, young or old, male or female, are also worth listening to. This is an album that has the power to make you feel better no matter what kind of downpour you are in, and it is an album that will never let you down.