¡Houses Of The Holy [Cardboard Sleeve (mini LP)][SHM-CD] [Limited Release]
¡Led Zeppelin

 Description
40th anniversary cardboard sleeve reissue from Led Zeppelin featuring the high quality SHM-CD format (compatible with standard CD players) and cardboard sleeve replica of the original UK LP artwork. This version of "Houses Of The Holy" uses a replica of the original E-style jacket and original English ovi with original font. Audio comes from the 1994 digital remasters. Part of a ten-album Led Zeppelin cardboard sleeve reissue series featuring the albums "Led Zeppelin," "Led Zeppelin II," "Led Zeppelin III," "Led Zeppelin IV," "Houses Of The Holy," "Physical Graffiti," "Presence ," "The Song Remains The Same," "In Through The Out Door," and "Coda."

凌 Credits

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


©Neowing co.