¡Kabuki No Hayashi
¡Kisaku Katada

 Description
[Machine Translation] This is the first CD release of the first solo album recorded by KIMIKU KATADA, a nagauta musician recognized as a living national treasure in 1999, for Victor in 1973 (Showa 48). This is the first CD release of his first solo album recorded for Victor in 1973 (Showa 48). The recordings are mainly of nagauta dehayashi, not kuromisu, and are intended to be listened to and enjoyed in succession. The contents of this CD are suitable for both appreciation and enjoyment, and also as a reference for those studying the tsuzumi (Japanese drums) and as teaching materials for practice. KIMIKU KATADA has divided the entire piece into seven parts. 40 tracks in all. In addition to the original commentary on the LP version (by Hideshi Yoshikawa and Kisakyu Katada), the book also includes a new manuscript by Kisakyu Katada. A masterful performance by the great musicians of the time, full of ambition, spirit, and passion.

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