¡"Deaimon (Anime)" Original Soundtrack
¡Animation Soundtrack (Music by Ren Takada)
"Deaimon," a heartwarming anime set in a long-established Japanese confectionary store in Kyoto, will start airing on April 6 2022. This is the soundtrack by Ren Takada, who is working on his first anime play accompaniment. Like Ren Takada's previous original works and drama soundtracks, this is a complete version of the TV anime "Deaimon" that brings together the joy, sorrow, and pleasures of the story. The album will include the theme song "Midorimatsu no Theme," which is played almost every episode, a song inspired by the four seasons of Kyoto, and 30-40 tracks of Ren Takada's musical accompaniment. The cover artwork will be illustrated by Rin Asano, the artist the original comics. The cover is Rin Asano's illustration inspired from the song.