¡Japanese Movie
A live-action film based on the hit horror manga "Sayuri" comes out on DVD! Directed by Koji Shiraishi. Plot: The Kamiki family has moved into their dream home. The father, Akio , has purchased a second-hand house in the suburbs. The eldest daughter, Keiko , a lively high school student, is happy to have her own room, and the eldest son, Norio , a junior high school student, is excited to see the view from the balcony and to be able to enjoy his new life. However, his younger brother Shun , a scared fifth grader, feels something is wrong and is uneasy. Shozo and Harue, who had been living separately, also came to live with them, but Harue has advanced dementia, and soon after moving in, she mistook Keiko and her mother Masako and kept staring at one point in time. Norio is puzzled when a female student in the next class at school, Sumida , whom he has never met before, suddenly speaks to him and says, "Be careful." It seems that Sumida has a psychic sense. Then, an irrational incident strikes the Kamiki family. The next day, the father, Akio, dies. As if in a chain reaction, the grandfather, Shozo, also dies. Sumida, worried about Norio's absence from school for a while, visits him and advises him: "Get out of that house as soon as possible. If you don't leave, everyone will..." She is right. As she said, Norio's younger brother, older sister, and mother die one after another in front of his eyes at the house. Norio is cornered and hides under the table, but he remains frightened and in a state of panic. Then, a mysterious girl approaches with an eerie laugh. The one who appears and saves him is his grandmother Harue, who is supposed to be completely out of her mind. She says "It is not a dream. I'm completely awake now. Is everyone dead? What, that thing I saw glimmering in the distance, did it do it all?" And she also says "What can we do for the rest of us? We're going to send that thing back to hell!"
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