¡Nippon Swingtime Senzen no Jazz OngakuVol.1

 Description
[Machine Translation] Produced by GURAMORABU. The fourth installment of That's Nippon Entertainment Series. The world of prewar Japanese jazz music, colored by eminent stars such as Rikizo Taya and Katsuhiko Haida! --The Showa era, prewar period. Japanese jazz dazzled in the prewar period of the Showa era. Long before the arrival of the Occupation forces, people danced, and great players played, strummed, strummed, and sang to the delight of the people as the best entertainment. This compilation is Victor's unique way of tracing the history of "jazz songs," which are indispensable to the history of Showa culture, through sound. This compilation includes cover versions of popular songs composed by Irving Berlin, Victor Young, and others (with a few songs by Japanese artists as well). All songs are selected by Masato Mohri, author of "Nippon Swing Time" and newly written booklet with commentary. Produced by Toru Yasutoshi ( Gurramo Club ) Selection, supervision, and commentary by Masato Mohri Designed by Takashi Okada

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