Furukizu(Yumeoi Ban)
Keisuke Yamauchi

 Description
[Machine Translation] New type of Keisuke Yamauchi's second song "Old Wounds" commemorating the 20th anniversary of his debut! Two different jackets and coupling songs (Yumeoi disc and Dokyoh disc) will be released at the same time. The title track, "Ko-Kuma (Old Wound)," was written by Noriyo Suzuki, the poet of 2009's "Fu-Len-Ko" and 2013's "Kushiro Airport." It is a minor enka song about the sadness of an old love wound and the tenderness that comes from having a wound. (The coupling song on the Yumeoi disc is "Hana ga calling" (written by Goro Matsui and composed by Hideo Mizumori), a cheerful yet sad song about the earnestness of overcoming difficulties and heading for one's dreams, set to the rhythm of three choruses. Included are the original karaoke tracks of "Ancient Wound" and "Hana ga Calling" and the female key karaoke track of "Ancient Wound" Key=Gm. Includes lyrics card and melody sheet. Includes an entry ticket for the online karaoke contest for "Old Wounds".

凌 Credits
Keisuke Yamauchi

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