¡LIVE MariCovers
¡Mariko Takahashi
[Machine Translation] The band's biggest hits "for you...", "Sorry...", "Peachy Sigh", and "Itchy Lips" were performed. The 2019 tour, which was applauded by the audience, was filmed with a setlist of original songs that encompassed their entire career, from "Pedro & Capricious" era's "Message to Johnny" to their latest songs "Ai ni yuku yo" and "Kirei na Onna", not to mention "for you...", "Sorry...", "Peachy Sigh" and "Hashiru Lips". The film features the current Mariko Takahashi singing her early songs, including "Mary's Song," which she wrote and composed herself for the first time, "Until the Festival is Over," which was requested by many fans, and "Kono Kaze wa Sukiyo," which got the whole venue excited, as well as her first self cover work "MariCovers" which was released last year. This is the latest video from the tour that will remain in the memories of fans!
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