¡Real Time Live In Concert 1992 -In Memory Of Richard Tee
¡Richard Tee

 Description
[Machine Translation] This is a rare recording of a live performance in Tokyo on October 28, 1992, to celebrate the release of Richard Tee's last leader album "Real Time" recorded in 1992. Richard Tee was a core member of the popular fusion band Staff, and the right-hand man of Paul Simon and James Taylor, and passed away in 1993. This album features the soulful music of his allies, Steve Gatt, Will Lee, John Tropay, Ronnie Cuba, and Ralph McDonald, who passed away in December 2011, and will move the listener's heart.

凌 Credits
Richard Tee
Steve Gadd
Will Lee
John Tropea
Ronnie Cuber
Ralph MacDonald

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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