¡"Ikiru to Iu Koto -The Meaning Of Life-"
¡Tomohiko Nakai

 Description
[Machine Translation] Musical actor Tomohiko Nakai's new original music play "The Meaning of Life" soundtrack CD is now on sale! The Meaning of Life" is an original musical drama about the life of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, a doctor who has been providing humanitarian aid to Afghanistan for a long time, and asks the question of "what it means to live. Dr. Nakamura went beyond medicine and took on the challenge of a waterway construction project, but was shot by someone and died in 2019 at the age of 73. Inspired by the documentary film "Lights of Hope in the Wilderness" (directed and photographed by Kenji Yatsu), Nakai wrote and directed the script and Tsukasa Nagahama composed the music for this musical drama. The CD includes the instrumental songs "Introduction" and "Kaka Murad," as well as the songs from the play "What It Means to Live" and "Ave verum corpus" (You Who Lit a Corner - Ave verum corpus). The original soundtrack contains gems of accompaniment that color the world of the stage and invite the audience into the world of the story.

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