¡Romanticist de Iijanai[w/ DVD, Limited Edition]
¡Toshihiko Tahara

 Description
[Machine Translation] Japan's world-class entertainer Toshihiko Tahara's 78th single! Toshihiko Tahara held a very successful kanreki (60th birthday) commemorative concert at the International Forum last November, and in January of this year, he stunned the world by showing off his bold body in the kanreki commemorative photo "DOCUMANTARY" released by his old enemy, Friday's Kodansha. He is the only man who can brighten up such a world anymore! Innocently aggressive, yet endlessly romantic. The KING, who knows everything there is to know about entertainment, plays the role of an adult. The lyricist: Goro Matsui, who directed many of Tahara's hits in the past, and the arranger: Motoki Funayama teamed up to create a romantic wonderland like a jewel box on Broadway. The DVD on the limited first edition includes the music video for "Romantiste de Iaijana (It's okay to be a romantic).

凌 Credits
Toshihiko Tahara

¡ Detailview


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