¡Louis Armstrong

 Description
[Machine Translation] The 100th anniversary album release of Louis Armstrong, the greatest musical giant of the 20th century! The best of Louis Armstrong's music from Decca/ABC/Kapp/Verve labels. The album includes "Hello Dolly!", the image song for Kirin Beer Ichiban Shibori, "Tokai Tokyo Securities", and "Kirin Beer Ichiban Shibori". (Kirin Beer Ichiban Shibori) image song "Hello Dolly!", "Tokai Tokyo Securities" image song and "Moon River" including "This Wonderful World" used in the theatrical trailer/TV spot for the movie "Merdeka" to be released in May 2001. The cover jacket is a new illustration by Fujiko Fujio A. Includes a 21-bit digital booklet. 21-bit digital remastering is planned. Initial limited edition: Deci-pack.

凌 Credits
Louis Armstrong

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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