The Freshman" is a comedy with a lot going for it. The biggest asset is undoubtedly Marlon Brando parodying his best known role from "The Godfather." It centers on a young NY film school student named Clark Kellogg (Matthew Broderick) all of whose possessions are stolen one day by a thief (Bruno Kirby) who, after Kellogg catches up with him, offers him a "great job". The job comes from Don Carmine Sabatini (Marlon Brando), and it's a caper that somehow involves Kellogg delivering a Komodo Dragon. The film offered Broderick his best role since "Ferris Bueller," in addition to sharing a screentime alongside the legendary actor. The parody goes a bit deeper actually since Bruno Kirby played the young Clemenza on "The Godfather: Part II." Clemenza was a two-bit thief who became the partner of the young Vito Corleone (Robert DeNiro) and of course the aging version of the same man was portrayed by Marlon Brando. The show was written and directed by Andrew Bergman who co-wrote, or wrote such classic comedies like "Blazing Saddles," and "The In-Laws.
Original Release Year: 1990
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