¡Haydn: "Vogel" & "Lerchen" etc.
¡Smetana Quartet

 Description
[Machine Translation] [EMI Classics Best 100 3rd Period] Haydn's two familiar masterpieces, "The Bird" and "The Lark", are a perfect match for this quartet. The performances approach the listener with their usual precision and maturity, as well as a receptiveness that allows the listener to immerse themselves in the music with ease. It is a pleasure to entrust oneself to this quartet, which performs works of the highest quality. Recorded in 1966

凌 Credits
Smetana Q. (Performer)
Smetana String Quartet
Jiri Novak
Lubomir Kostecky
Milan Skampa
Antonin Kohout

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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