¡Cyber City wa Nemuranai
¡Tomoyasu Hotei

 Description
[Machine Translation] DVDs of all 15 titles (released from 1989 to 2003) are being re-released to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Tomoyasu Hotei's debut! Tokyo Inter-Live" "Cyber City Never Sleeps" was held at Yokohama Arena on December 21 and 22, 1995. This special two-day live performance, which featured not only the performance scenes but also a huge screen showing images synchronized with the songs, and innovative lighting using a vast number of lights and lasers, represents a new direction and innovation after "GUITARHYTHM"! (Original release date: May 24, 1996) Includes an entry ticket for a special prize for the purchasers of the new DVD ( TOBF-5468 ) released at the same time.

凌 Credits
Tomoyasu Hotei (Artist)

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting
¡ Edition Details


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