¡Metal Icchokusen
¡Eizo Sakamoto

 Description
[Machine Translation] Eizo Sakamoto, the king of shouts who established the ''Japan Metal'' era as vocalist of ANTHEM in the 80's and created the ''Animateal'' boom as vocalist of ANIMETAL in the 90's, has released his 1st solo album! This is the first solo album by Eizo Sakamoto, the King of Shout, who has created an ''animetal'' boom as the vocalist of ANIMETAL. Including "GUTEN TAG", a cover of Manowar's "METAL DAZE" and Riot's "HEAVY METAL MACHINE", the album features 11 songs in total.

凌 Credits
Eizo Sakamoto (Artist)

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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