¡TondebuurinDVD-BOX PART.1

 Description
The anime show was originally aired from September 1994 through August 1995. It's a romantic comedy starring a heroine who morphs into a pink pig. This boxed set consists of 5 discs containing episodes 1 through 20 (out of all 21). The box features an artwork illustrated by Yumi Kato (character designer) & Taeko Ikeda (creator).

凌 Credits
Yuri Shiratori (Cast)
Yuriko Fuchizaki (Cast)
Takao Ohyama (Cast)
Akira Ishida (Cast)
Rika Matsumoto (Cast)
Chie Sato (Cast)
Junko Asami (Cast)
Taeko Ikeda (Author)

¡ Detailview
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