¡Musica Popular Brasileira Em Expansion
[Machine Translation] The biggest surprise of the year! The world's first reissue of Milton Nascimento's 1965 debut album, which was recorded before his debut as a solo artist. Milton Nascimento, one of Brazil's most famous singer-songwriters, is one of the world's leading musicians, active not only in Brazil but also in the North American jazz scene since his debut in 1967. Milton Nascimento had actually participated in several albums before his solo debut. One of them is "Musica Populaire Brasileira e Expansao," which was released on a minor label in Minas. The main feature of the album is the opening track, "Cancao do Sal," which is also Milton's signature song. It is Milton's own voice that can be heard on this track, which is also one of his best-known songs. It is surprising that Milton's voice, which would later enchant the world, is so unsparingly performed on this track. Of course, this is not a record that is rare but not so good in content. There are three bands that were active in Minas at the time: the Cestate, led by Aecio Flavio, who was one of the leading musicians in Minas at the time; the Birimbau Trio, with Milton Nascimento on wood bass; and Quinteto Sambacida, whose performance, although details are unknown, is solid. The Minas-based band's take on bossa nova standards is first-rate, and the album is highly regarded as a jazz-bossa album.