¡45 Shunen Kinen Concert "Maekawa Kiyoshi & Cool Five HISTORY - Ayundekita Michi -"
¡Kiyoshi Maekawa

 Description
[Machine Translation] Kiyoshi Maekawa 45th Anniversary Concert DVD on sale. 45 years after "It Rained Today in Nagasaki," Kiyoshi Maekawa has always been at the forefront of the music industry. Kiyoshi Maekawa & Cool Five's 45th anniversary concert "Kiyoshi Maekawa & Cool Five: History - The Road Taken" held on September 25, 2013 at Shibuya Public Hall, Tokyo, is fully recorded. This long-awaited DVD includes valuable off-shot footage.

凌 Credits

Kiyoshi Maekawa & Cool Five

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting
¡ Edition Details


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