¡Ashi ni Sawatta Onna
¡Japanese Movie
[Machine Translation] [Toho DVD Masterpiece Selection] Zenzen Nonsense! A modern road trip of a beautiful, fashionable, and stylish female pickpocket and a beautiful male detective! --Goheita (Ryo Ikebe), a detective from Osaka, is on his way to Tokyo for a vacation when he hears a novelist, Yasuko Sakasa (Satoshi Yamamura), on the express train, saying, "There are no beautiful women among female thieves. He hears the novelist Sakasa Yasuko (Yamamura Satoshi) say, "There are no beautiful women among female thieves, that's just a legend," and he attacks him, saying, "There are beautiful women among thieves, too. On the train was Saya Shiozawa (Fubuki Koshiji), a pickpocket whom Goheita recognized as a beautiful woman. When Goheita finds Saya, she tells him that she is on her way to Izu for a Buddhist memorial service and has no intention of stealing. However, in a moment of darkness as the train enters a tunnel, a theft occurs... Director Kon Ichikawa said that he wanted to make a film in which the viewer would only realize after a few days that he or she had seen the film, "Oh, I see! I hope I can make something that will make people who watch the film start laughing when they realize, "Oh, I see! This is my play as a director. This is my play as a director.
Original Release Year: 1952
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