¡WWE Elimination Chamber 2010
[Machine Translation] No Way Out" has changed its name and is now called "Elimination Chamber" again, named after the main match! Sparks will fly in the steel wire fence tonight as the champions will be in action once again! Who will take the title from The Undertaker and Sheamus, and who will win the right to participate in Lesslemania? World Heavyweight Title: Elimination Chamber Match [Champion] The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth / WWE Title: Elimination Chamber Match [Champion] Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Triple H vs. Ted DeBeers / Divas Title Match: [Champion] Maryse vs.
Original Release Year: 2010
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