¡NanaSpecial Edition
¡Japanese Movie

 Description
Theatrical film version of the popular comic "Nana" by Ai Yazawa. Two girls with the same name - Nana the punk vocalist and Nana the completely boy crazy meet kicking off a tale of pathos and jubilance. Special edition includes special features disc with theatrical trailers, movie news, theatrical greeting compilation, TV spots, DVD original making-of documentary, unreleased live band performances from Black Stones and Trapnest), and more. Includes picture labeled disc, 44-page all color booklet, and 2-disc digipack outer case.

Original Release Year: 2005

凌 Credits
AI YAZAWA (Author)
Kentaro Ohtani (Director)
Mika Nakashima (Cast)
Aoi Miyazaki (Cast)
Hiroki Narimiya (Cast)
Kenichi Matsuyama (Cast)

Saeko (Cast)

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