¡Mujica Sekai de Ichiban Mazushii Daitoryo Kara Nihonjin e (Japanese Title)
¡Movie (Documentary)
[Machine Translation] Documentary about Jose Mujica, respectfully called "the poorest president in the world". What gift did the world's richest president leave for Japan? --In 2012, at the United Nations Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Uruguayan President Jose Mujica delivered a scathing critique of today's consumer society and questioned what happiness means to humanity. The video of his moving speech quickly became a worldwide sensation, and Director Tabei decided to feature him in a TV program he was directing at the time. The director traveled to Uruguay and was surprised to learn that Mujica, who had never visited Japan, was very knowledgeable about and respected Japanese history and culture. How does Mujica know so much about Japan? In order to find the answer to this question, the director traveled to Uruguay many times to interview Mujica after he stepped down as president. Moved by Mujica's words, the director began to hope that many Japanese would listen to what Mujica had to say, and Mujica himself was eager to visit Japan. With the cooperation of a picture book publisher, his visit to Japan was realized...
Original Release Year: 2020
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