¡Waiting for the barbarians
[Machine Translation] Johnny Depp x Robert Pattinson: Ruthless and Ruthless, Breaking New Ground! Subordination or rebellion? This is the first feature film by J.M. Kutzke, winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature, who adapted his own novel "Waiting for the Barbarians". The film is directed by Ciro Guerra, the hot and talented director of "Wandering River" (2015), the first Colombian film to be nominated for an Academy Award (R) for Best Foreign Language Film. --The story is set in a remote town ruled by an empire. A sudden turn of events occurs for a retired civil administrator (M. Rylance) who governs this quiet town. Colonel Jol ( J. Depp ), the head of the secret police, comes from the capital to inspect the town. His mission is to investigate the activities and security situation of the barbarians, who are rumored to be planning an attack in the near future. Colonel Jol begins a harsh interrogation, bordering on torture, of the locals who have been accused of being barbarians. Later, the security judge rescues a local girl ( G. Bayarsayhan ) whose legs are broken and her eyes are blinded by the interrogation, but this is only the beginning of the tragedy to come with Colonel Jol's second-in-command, Lieutenant Mandel ( R. Pattinson ).
Original Release Year: 2019
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