[Machine Translation] The unknown agony and truth of the man who resisted the greatest operation in history until the very end. 96 hours before the Normandy landings, the unknown truth will be revealed! Four years after Dunkirk, this is a moving story filled with love for humanity that led to the greatest victory against the greatest odds. Master actor Brian Cox gives an impassioned performance in the flesh! Academy Award ( R ) nominated actress and other talented cast members gather in one place! --The story takes place in England at the end of World War II. Prime Minister Churchill opposes the Normandy landings. He voices his opposition in the presence of King George VI, but is immediately rejected by Supreme Allied Commander-in-Chief Eisenhower. Churchill is under siege, and his loneliness deepens as he takes it out on his secretary. Churchill's wife Clementine, unable to bear the sight of him, whips him with love in an attempt to inspire him to stand before the nation as a true leader. The operation went ahead, and Churchill's beloved wife was by his side as he prepared the draft of his victory speech. At 6:00 a.m. on June 6, 1944, Churchill's speech of the century, which was to be a success and to inspire the nation, began.
Original Release Year: 2017
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