[Machine Translation] A married couple has spent 45 years together. However, an incident in the past brings to light a huge gulf between the wife and the husband... Nominated for the Academy Award ( R ) for Best Actress! Charlotte Rampling won the Silver Bear for Best Actress and Best Actor at the 2015 Berlin International Film Festival, as well as numerous other awards for Best Actress at film festivals. The last 15 seconds of the film stunned the world! A masterpiece that confronts universal love between a man and a woman and the difference between romance and marriage through the relationship between an elderly couple. --Jeff and Kate, a loving couple living together in the countryside, are preparing for their 45th wedding anniversary party on Saturday. But when Jeff receives a letter on Monday informing him that his former lover's body has been found in a glacier, the six days leading up to Saturday will shake up their 45-year relationship. The husband is intoxicated by thoughts of the past, and the wife's emotional turmoil eventually leads her to develop an unquenchable mistrust of her husband.
Original Release Year: 2015
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