[Machine Translation] The executive producer of "Footage". A real thriller that takes place in a closed-off dormitory. --It is the Thanksgiving season. Justin has decided to stay in the dormitory because he has no money to go home. Her boyfriend, Aaron, has also gone home, and her roommate, who she was supposed to spend the night with, has gone home for an emergency, leaving her to live alone in the dormitory. One day, she goes to the supermarket in the middle of the night and meets a creepy woman. The woman follows Justin and for some reason mumbles, "I found Christy. Justin is terrified, tells the security guard, and returns to his dorm. When he tries to call her, however, the signal is jammed and he hears a message that says, "Hunt Christy. The woman has already invaded the dormitory with her friends, killing the guard. Who are they and who is Christy? An unidentified group of murderers attack in this suspenseful film!
Original Release Year: 2014
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