[Machine Translation] A man and a woman left at a mountain lodge are mysteriously disappearing one by one. Where in the world have they disappeared to? The remaining people gradually begin to suspect each other--the birth of the ultimate situation thriller that will test your imagination! --Ten people leave for a resort deep in the mountains for a vacation, and after a lively car ride, they arrive at the "LAST STOP" campsite. However, the gas station in the area is empty. They split into two groups to search for other travelers, and began to explore the area in and around the lodge. Although there were signs that someone had been in the cabin earlier, there was no one to be seen. Meanwhile, the two men who had been exploring the area climbed a hill and looked around, but they were frightened by the "nothingness" of the landscape and turned back. With no way to get back home, they discuss staying at the cabin, only to realize that one of the ten, Tracy, is missing...
Original Release Year: 2014
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