Vanilla Boy Tomorrow Is Another Day[Deluxe Edition]
Japanese Movie

 Description
Blu-ray release of Japanese comedy movie "Vanilla Boy: Tomorrow Is Another Day" starring for the first time Johnny's Junior members Jesse Lewis, Hokuto Matsumura and Juri Tanaka! Plot : high school student Tomoki Ota is member of Tochigi surfing club at his school in spite of not having any sea! He seems to be completely normal student but behind that, he protects the peace of Japan and the world. His friends and teachers of school are in fact in secret mission to protect Tomoki but one day he falls in love with consequences for world peace...Deluxe edition includes DVD and special booklet.

yFirst Pressz Bonus Extra (included while First Press is still available) : a postcard set (4 pieces)
Original Release Year: 2016

凌 Credits
Hokuto Matsumura
Juri Tanaka

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