¡Shin Shincho Koki - Classmate wa Sengoku Busho -Blu-ray Box
¡Japanese TV Series
A certain warlord-geek doctor created clones of warlords one after another and unleashed them on the world. Fifteen years later, the story takes place in the year 2122. Cloned high school students of the famous "Warlords of the Warring States" have gathered together! Bargaining, trickery, treachery, anything goes... A new Sengoku Era opens as the generals put their passionate pride on the line. The days are supposed to be filled with war... but an eccentric high school student is saving the school behind the scenes. That man was Oda Nobunaga (Ren Nagase of King & Prince). However...Total of 10 episodes. Comes with a 24-page booklet.
Original Release Year: 2022