¡Serika Toa Taidan Kinen Blu-ray "Recollections Serika Toa" -Omoide no Butai Shu & Sayonara Show-
¡Toa Serika

 Description
[Machine Translation] Release of Blu-ray "Recollections of Serika Toa" -Memorable Stages & Sayonara Show- in commemoration of Serika Toa's departure from Takarazuka Takarazuka Theatre. It will include an interview with Serika Toa, "Serika Toa Sayonara Show" on February 2, 2025 (the last performance at Takarazuka Grand Theatre), and a collection of her memorable performances (about 80 works will be included). An application ticket (application deadline: August 31, 2025) is enclosed. Due to copyright reasons, some of the music may be omitted or replaced. Please understand that some music may be omitted or replaced for copyright reasons.

凌 Credits
Takarazuka Revue


¡ Detailview


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