¡"Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru (Movie)" Original Soundtrack
¡Original Soundtrack (Music by Yuma Yamaguchi)
[Machine Translation] Sankaku Mado no Kougai wa Yoru" (The Outside of the Window is Night) has been serialized by Tomoko Yamashita since 2013. The comic series has sold more than 1 million copies in its eight volumes! This work of the same title has been made into a live-action movie. This is the original soundtrack of the movie "Sankaku mado no soto wa yoru" (The Outside of the Window is Night). The music is composed by the director of the movie, "Grandpa, I Wish I Was Dead. The music is composed by Yuma Yamaguchi ( Yuma Yamaguchi ), who has composed music for many TV dramas, TV commercials, animations, and artists, as well as for the movie "Grandpa, Dying. The music has a strong impact in the movie and invites you to a unique worldview. Includes 36 songs including the main theme. Theme songs (OP/ED) are not included.