¡Mrs.Henderen Presen OST
¡Original Soundtrack

 Description
[Machine Translation] 2005 Academy Award nominee (Best Actress), starring Judi Dench. Starring Judi Dench. Music: George Fenton Scheduled to be released in December at Bunka Mura Le Cinema Distributor: DHC New Year's Movie A must-see musical film. Directed by Stephen Frears ("Dangerous Liaisons," "Passport of the Fallen Angel," etc.). 1937 Mrs. Henderson (Judi Dench), a widow with a huge inheritance, buys the Windmill Theater in the heart of Soho and hires Van Damme (Bob Hoskins) as the theater manager. Mrs. Henderson then makes a novel proposal that will go down in British history.... Based on the true story of Mrs. Henderson, the manager Van Damme, and the Windmill Girls, who were the first in England to bring naked women to the stage, this film gives courage and inspiration to all who see it.

凌 Credits
George Fenton

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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