¡Planet Earth III
¡Original Soundtrack (Music by Hans Zimmer)

 Description
[Machine Translation] The BBC brings to the world a brand new natural history series, Planet Earth III. This eight-part series, which takes viewers on a journey to the far reaches of the Earth, follows the world's amazing species and tells extraordinary stories that are dramatic, thrilling, funny, often heartbreaking, but always hopeful, in this third installment of the hugely popular series. Filmed over a period of nearly five years, this new series uses state-of-the-art filmmaking technology to reveal the greatest wonders of life on Earth. Lightweight drones, high-speed cameras, and remote-controlled deep-sea submersibles take viewers from remote jungles to scorching deserts, from dark caves to the deep sea, and into spectacular landscapes never before seen.

凌 Credits
Hans Zimmer

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