¡Drama Ehon "Mukashi Mukashi no Monogatari" Sono 2 "Tsuru no Ongaeshi" "Soramame no Kuroi Suji" "Kobutori Jiisan" Ishida Akira Hikami Kyoko
¡Drama CD
[Machine Translation] The second CD version of the popular web-based radio program "Once upon a time, a long time ago"! Following "Momotaro" and "Saru-Kani-Kassen", the second CD includes "Tsuru no Ongyo", "Black Stripes of Conyers", and "Kobutori Jiisan"! As in the first volume, Mutsumi Hagiwa, a manga artist and illustrator, adds color to the stories with her cute illustrations. Specifications: 1 CD in P-case (no back inlay) / 1 cover card in CD sleeve case (with a hole so that a picture-story show can be performed), 1 cover card for each story, 4 illustrations for each story, 15 cards in total, and a picture-story show-style card.