¡Drama Ehon "Mukashi Mukashi no Monogatari" "Momotaro" "Sarukani Gassen"
¡Drama CD (Akira Ishida, Kyoko Higami)
[Machine Translation] The world of "Once upon a time" is told by popular voice actors, Akira Ishida and Kyoko Hinoue, who play several roles. This is a radio drama of old tales that can be enjoyed by everyone from children to their mothers. The cover illustration and illustrations in the style of a picture-story show are by Mutsumi Hagiiwa, popular for her cute illustrations. The cover illustration and storyboard illustrations are by Mutsumi Hagiiwa, a teacher popular for her cute illustrations. The booklet also has a picture-story show style for each illustration, so you can enjoy the picture-story show while listening to the CD.